APLAT - Week 7 < Week 8 > Week 9
NOTA BENE: The information on this page is subject to (and most certainly will) change. Students are responsible for writing down their assignments in their CJs.
*Essay due today (paper copies only)
Aeneid 2.228-239
Optional Gimkit quizzes over lines 225-238 and lines 238-249
YouTube tutorials for 234-239
Buzz Quiz: Participles (Aen II.209-224)
Aeneid 2.240-249
Optional Gimkit quizzes over lines 238-249
YouTube tutorials for 240-243, 244-247, 248-249
TEST (Aen. 1.529-578; 2.40-56, 201-249) [not responsible for 2.40-52]
Aeneid 2.268-279
Optional Gimkit Quiz over lines 268-280
YouTube tutorials for 268-271, 272-276, 277-280
Aeneid 2.279-289
Optional Gimkit Quiz over lines 281-292
YouTube tutorials for 281-286, 287-290