12th Grade Capstone - Week 1 > Week 2

NOTA BENE: The information on this page is subject to (and most certainly will) change. Students are responsible for writing down their assignments in their CJs.

Do Now: 1. Pick up video permission form, Quick Reference Sheet, and tentative syllabus.
2. Take a seat (pick on your own, then we will create a seating chart)
Syllabus discussion (see below)
"Rome" (HBO, 2005-2007)
Each week, we will watch an (edited) episode of HBO's "Rome".  We will watch, discuss, analyze, etc.  We will have fun with it, but your active participation and positive contributions to class discussions are expected and you will be graded on it.
With each episode, we will examine primary sources (in Latin) which inform this modern interpretation of Roman history
In-Class Translation
Accompanying each episode of "Rome," we will look at the primary sources which inform that episode.  For instance, we will revisit Caesar's introduction of Titus Pullo and Lucius Vorenus from the de Bello Gallico (we read it last year) in conjunction with Episode 1 (The Stolen Eagle).  We will read how Caesar describes Vercingetorix's surrender at Alesia, which is also depicted in Episode 1 (spoilers!).  
Also accompanying (nearly) each episode, each student will pick a scene to describe extemporaneously in Latin for 60 seconds.  Only effort is assessed here
Everyone (Mr. Yaggy included) will stammer, stutter, fumble, mis-conjugate almost every verb, and forget to decline nouns; the point is to discuss the scenes in as comprehensible and understandable Latin as possible. Think "See spot run" and not a 10 line Ciceronian sentence.
While watching each "Rome" episode, think about:
(a) what scene/clip you'd like to narrate.  It should be something you think would be fun and interesting.
(b) what vocabulary you might need (some you already know, some you don't).  You may choose to narrate a scene that we have already connected to a bit of Latin (Caesar's description of Pullo and Vorenus, for instance).
As we progress with this, we will get interactive with the Narrationes... ask/answer questions and have very short(!) discussions about the scenes.  Again, though, the important thing is LOW STRESS
Also this year, each student will develop two (or three) Latin-/Classic-centric tutorials.  Investigate something that you always wondered about and teach us about it.  Your tutorials will include (a) a presentational aspect (MS PowerPoint, Prezi, Google Slides, etc.) and (b) an interactive/participation element (i.e., get the class involved).  Your presentation should show a breadth and depth of the subject matter, but to the extent that you can fully explain your tutorial in 15 minutes. Your classmates are then expected to engage you in a brief Q&A about your topic.
DUE TOMORROW by start of class: Email a scanned copy of the movie permission signature sheet with actual signatures.  

HBO's Rome Episode 1: The Stolen Eagle
Viewing: "Rome Episode 1: The Stolen Eagle" (1st few minutes through T+P introductory scene)
Plutarch and JC take on Vercingetorix's surrender (and watch that scene)
Remember to think about a scene you want to talk about.  What vocab do you need to know? Write down a time signature (to make it easier for me to find the right screencap)
When Antony talks about how the Gauls are barbaric and settle their political disputes through combat, show DBG 6.13

Pass around narratio sign-up sheet (name, specific description of scene, about where in movie it is)
[After class, take sign-up sheet and get screenshots of each narratio scene students requested.  Put them in a Google Slideshow to show on Monday]
Remember to think about a scene you want to talk about.  What vocab do you need to know?
Examining the characters of Pullo and Vorenus (dBG 5.44)
Take five minutes and read through the section. You're not translating; you're focusing on comprehension
BIG QUESTION: What are the big differences between the way Caesar writes about Pullo and Vorenus here and how they are portrayed in "Rome"?

Discussion questions (if needed):
1. How does Caesar characterize the two men in the first several lines of 5.44?
2. Who is depicted bullying whom?
3. What does Pullo do in lines 8-10 (Haec . . . irrumpit) to show off?  What does Vorenus do in response (Ne . . . subsequitur)?
4. What happens to Pullo in lines 14-16 (in . . . defigitur)?
5. What adjective does Caesar use to describe Vorenus in line 19?
6. What does Vorenus do in reaction to seeing Pullo in trouble (lines 19-22)?
7. How does Pullo return the favor (lines 22-25)?
8. Do you agree with Caesar’s estimation summā cum laude (line 25)? 

Pass around narratio sign-up sheet and get screenshots of each narratio scene students requested. 


Show students screen captures I took based on their narratio sign up sheet.
Show famous painting of Vercingetorix's surrender and then a corollary screencap from Rome Episode 1 (pretty clear that directors crafted some shots as homage to famous representations of the more famous scenes) - use this to model expectations of the narratio
Students then develop narrationes (20 minutes or so)
Establish vocabulary list to help you (allowed up to 6 vocab words (Latin only) on the paper
Then, develop and practice your actual narratio.
*Remember - this is Go Dog Go, not Shakespeare.  The goal is comprehensibility.  If you are worrying about case endings, you're doing it wrong.
*Some helpful phrases: vult/non vult, potest, necesse est + dative, est statements
*You will be narrating for 60 seconds - a minute is a LONG time.... practice!  Even if you run out of things to say before the minute is up (and you probably will), you then start over and try maybe to expand/improve on what you said the first time.
I encourage students who are nervous to go first (the hope is to have all completed tomorrow). 
Students will present their narrationes about "Rome: Episode 1"
Students describe the screenshot I sent which is from the scene they signed up to narrate (I provide shot on Google Slideshow I made).
The narratio lasts 60 seconds.  Speak slowly, deliberately, and keep language simple.

Finish narrationes and we will watch the first 15-20 minutes of Rome Episode 2.

Finish watching "Rome Episode 2" and then revisit Caesar's own account of his speech prior to setting out for Rome.
While we watch the episode, think about your next narratio: which scene? what vocabulary? 
Translate the selection from de Bello Civili 1.7 (attached to yesterday's lesson) and be prepared to read together at the beginning of class on Monday.
We will read the selection from de Bello Civili 1.7 about Caesar's speech to his soldiers (I've attached it again for you if needed).

Develop vocabulary and practicing for your narratio tomorrow. 
There's no need to try and make your vocabulary any more complicated/advanced than last time. 
Remember that the objective is clarity and comprehensibility.
You will sign up for a tutorial time slot with this Google Doc.

Finish Narrationes (about 5 more to go)
Discuss tutorials. 15 minutes on a topic related to Latin/Greek/Classical culture or history - perhaps something we've touched upon in class that piqued your interest but we did not explore it fully
Some basic mandates: (1) This must include an interactive element... get your audience doing something
(2) This is a chance to practice timing... your presentation needs to last 14-16 minutes. 10 points off for every minute under or over.
(3) Your presentation must be practiced... when you get up in front of the class, it should be the 4th or 5th time you have given this presentation
(4) Your presentation must include some sort of presentational tool (PowerPoint, Google Slides, etc.) with a lot of visuals
(5) Your visual element should have a minimum of information on it... we should be listening to you and not reading.
(6) The last slide of your presentation tool should be a works cited page
You will sign up for a tutorial time slot with this Google Doc.
Begin researching for tutorial #1