10th Grade Latin IV - Week 13 < Week 14 > Week 15

NOTA BENE: The information on this page is subject to (and most certainly will) change. Students are responsible for writing down their assignments in their CJs.

*Note that all class periods this week are shortened by 5 minutes due to each day's awards assembly

Cartoon Project Prep

Cartoon Project Prep

Cartoon Project Prep (due tomorrow 6am)

*students pick up copies of:
Saylor Ch. 21, Lesbia illa, double-spaced Latin text, copies of poems from Love and Betrayal
You may wish to have a sneak peak of our Catullus projectTaylor Swift is the modern Catullus: Fight me
I will provide several days in class to prepare your presentation (in February). You will present February 15th-16th, 19th-20th (these dates are tentative and subject to change).
Book for purchase (optional - this is for later in the year, but go ahead and buy it now): West's translation of the Aeneid,
Today, we will look at Catullus' life, poetry, and context

*Mr. Yaggy absent (Fall Forum at ASU)
Do Now: Read the English translation of poems 2, 3, 5, 7, and 8. Answer the questions on the half-sheet (both poems and questions were given to students yesterday)
Turn in half-sheet to back of room when done
Translate Catullus 1 when done.
Practice the vocabulary of Catullus 1 with this Gimkit.